
Where to begin…it has been a VERY packed couple of months since IMTX. Besides the typical recovery and getting back into training, quite a bit has changed. Again, they don’t call it the “tumultuous twenties” for nothing!

This had been in the works since mid-Spring and a few weeks after IMTX, Clint (the hubby, for anyone that may be new) sat for his real estate exam and successfully passed, woo hoo! I’m so proud of him; he prepared for a couple of months leading up to it and all of his hard work paid off. So once we got that news, we quickly put our tentative plan into action to list our home for rent and make steps to come back home to Houston. We knew (eventually) that we wanted to come back home. Well some events occurred in Clint’s position that led us to that move sooner rather than later. At the same time, a few new opportunities had come up for me back in Houston through ORR so everything was falling into place. Our house leased very quickly (before we even put it on the market, actually!) and within about 3 weeks, we were out of there.


My brother and I during the packing process. Thanks for your help B!


Family portrait on our back deck for the last night; I miss it!


A toast to (another!) big move back home.

Between then and the time we moved, I began to help out with the TriElite Racing Junior Summer Tri program as well. So back and forth I went until the move was permanent; 290 and I became great friends. I am absolutely loving the additional role of coaching the kids. It’s so very gratifying to pass on and share in the love of our sport, especially to such a young audience. They work hard and make me laugh: what more could you ask for?!

On the training and racing front, after a few easy weeks and 3 of not running at all (but who’s counting? – I WAS, that’s who :-)), I tried to put a few easy miles in. Well the foot had other plans. Leading up to IMTX, I was feeling some left heel pain but managed to get through the training and honestly didn’t even feel it during the race. I think I mentioned that in my race recap. That darn burn was all that I was thinking about during the 26.2 miles.

So clearly, I thought that several weeks off of running would take care of any left over plantar fasciitis issue. But boy was I wrong! In came any and all sorts of treatment I/we could think of. From rest, ice, and aqua jogging to night splints, orthotics, and lacrosse ball rolling…you name it, I’ve done it! A few weeks back I went and got a cortisone injection as well. That seemed to help more and now I’m easing my way back into it, hoping that I’ll be fully back into it sometime soon. Patience, patience, patience: it will forever be a lesson that I learn over and over again.


A lovely shot of some post ART/Graston therapy done by the one and only Dr. Sam of Dynamic Health and Wellness: “hurts so good!”

Due to my uncooperative foot, I haven’t been able to race again, yet. I’m hoping that I will be able to do so in the next few weeks but we shall see.

In summary/to recap: a job change for Clint, a new position for me, an injury to recover from, a pack up/move out, a move in, and new roommates (ie, my parents) = quite a bit of uncertainty. (Oh yeah – and somewhere in there, we also took a trip to Vegas!) With all of that uncertainty comes the tendency to doubt and to feel like you’re just sort of walking blindly through it all. BUT a few things are constant in my life: the Lord’s love, my supportive hubby, wonderful family/friends, a great team and coach, dedicated athletes, and awesome opportunities to glorify Him in all that I do. It’s so easy to forget about all of these blessings in day to day life. I’m determined though and through prayer and reflection, I will continue to carry on, knowing that He has a plan.

My mom found this gem in the bookstore the other day and I think it provides some wonderful parting words of wisdom. Until next time folks, just keep on moving and trucking along!




2 thoughts on “Lately.

  1. Thanks for the kind words baby! This is yet another great post. I’ve enjoyed sharing the effort and look forward to seeing it through!

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